Primary Key Mysql Auto Increment Generated

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How can I create concatenated primary keys and insert the data into it? View as plain text: Dear Sir I am new to MySQL. I've created a table with three keys inside like this: CREATE TABLE reservation ( reservationid INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTOINCREMENT, hotelid INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, customerid INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(reservation.

Summary: in this tutorial, you will learn how to use MySQL primary key constraint to create the primary key for a table.

Generate ssh public key azure. Learn how to define an auto increment primary key in SQL Server. This data tutorial will explain basic table creation and information around using identity a. Apr 26, 2011  Problem we faced was to generate primary keys which are universally unique i.e. If there is any insert in any local machine and on server, that id should never get generated in any other local machine. To resolve this problem we made all the primary keys as varchar (bad idea) and to generate unique value what we do is as below: 1.). Mar 24, 2020 In order to avoid such complexity and to ensure that the primary key is always unique, we can use MySQL's Auto increment feature to generate primary keys. Auto increment is used with the INT data type. The INT data type supports both signed and unsigned values. Unsigned data types can only contain positive numbers. As a best practice, it is. The automatically generated value can never be lower than 0. Each table can have only one AUTOINCREMENT column. It must defined as a key (not necessarily the PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE key). In some storage engines (including the default InnoDB), if the key consists of multiple columns, the AUTOINCREMENT column must be the first column.

Introduction to MySQL primary key

A primary key is a column or a set of columns that uniquely identifies each row in the table. The primary key follows these rules:

  • A primary key must contain unique values. If the primary key consists of multiple columns, the combination of values in these columns must be unique.
  • A primary key column cannot have NULL values. Any attempt to insert or updateNULL to primary key columns will result in an error. Note that MySQL implicitly adds a NOT NULL constraint to primary key columns.
  • A table can have one an only one primary key.

Because MySQL works faster with integers, the data type of the primary key column should be the integer e.g., INT, BIGINT. And you should ensure sure that value ranges of the integer type for the primary key are sufficient for storing all possible rows that the table may have.

A primary key column often has the AUTO_INCREMENT attribute that automatically generates a sequential integer whenever you insert a new row into the table.

When you define a primary key for a table, MySQL automatically creates an index called PRIMARY.


The PRIMARY KEY constraint allows you to define a primary key of a table when you create or alter table.

1) Define a PRIMARY KEY constraint in CREATE TABLE

Typically, you define the primary key for a table in the CREATE TABLE statement.

If the primary key has one column, you can use the PRIMARY KEY constraint as a column constraint:

When the primary key has more than one column, you must use the PRIMARY KEY constraint as a table constraint.

In this syntax, you separate columns in the column_list by commas (,).

The PRIMARY KEY table constraint can be used when the primary key has one column:

The following example creates a table named users whose primary key is the user_id column:

This statement creates the roles table that has the PRIMARY KEY constraint as the table constraint:

In case the primary key consists of multiple columns, you must specify them at the end of the CREATE TABLE statement. You put a comma-separated list of primary key columns inside parentheses followed the PRIMARY KEY keywords.

The following example creates the user_roles table whose primary key consists of two columns: user_id and role_id. It defines the PRIMARY KEY constraint as the table constraint:

Note that the statement also created two foreign key constraints.

2) Define PRIMARY KEY constraints using ALTER TABLE

If a table, for some reasons, does not have a primary key, you can use the ALTER TABLEstatement to add a primary key to the table as follows:

The following example adds the id column to the primary key.

First, create the pkdemos table without a primary key.

Mysql Set Auto_increment

Second, add a primary key to the pkdemos table using the ALTER TABLE statement:

If you add a primary key to a table that already has data. The data in the column(s), which will be included in the primary key, must be unique and not NULL.


KEY is the synonym for INDEX. You use the KEY when you want to create an index for a column or a set of columns that is not the part of a primary key or unique key.

A UNIQUE index ensures that values in a column must be unique. Unlike the PRIMARY index, MySQL allows NULL values in the UNIQUE index. In addition, a table can have multiple UNIQUE indexes.

Suppose that email and username of users in the users table must be unique. To enforce thes rules, you can define UNIQUE indexes for the email and username columns as the following statement:

Add a UNIQUE index for the username column:

Add a UNIQUE index for the email column:

In this tutorial, you have learned how to create a primary key for a new table or add a primary key to an existing table.

Primary Key Mysql Auto Increment Generated Download

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